Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lozada, 1

Ricardo Lozada

Eng 101

May 19, 2011

The Truth About Candy

Many believe that candy is just a tasty sugary flavored treat. However, it turns out that

this innocent treat can be deadly. Candy in ancient times and food, have negative effects on the

human body as it can cause illnesses such as diabetes, obesity, high blood levels as well as

debility diseases. In addition food-coloring use in candy can cause cancer. One affect can lead to

sugary heaven or a literal sugar coma. Some candies are easy for kids to choke on becoming a

target cause for children’s death. Many people believe that one of the many cause of diabetes is

candy because its associated with blood sugar. However, that’s not entirely true about diabetes.

The bright side of candy is the pleasure it gives people no matter what ages they are. Some

candies are actually healthy since most of them contain milk, cream, fruits, nuts, and flavoring.

In this article, the truth about this sugary sweet will be revealed.

Diabetes is a illness that sends chills through peoples spines. They automatically

associate sugar with diabetes, but this is false. Individual’s diagnosed with type 1 diabetes,

means that their bodies can’t fabricate insulin anymore. The insulin-making cells in the

pancreas begin to die down causing the body to have an imbalance of insulin cells. This is true

for type 2 diabetes also, but there is an association linking type 2 diabetes and being overweight.

With type 2 diabetes, the pancreas can still make insulin, but the difference is that the insulin

does not work properly. Too much foods containing a high dose of sugar like candy or soda can

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and will cause weight gain, eventually that individual will be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. But

this does not mean sugar is completely eliminated from a diabetics diet. In their daily diet,

diabetics can have a controlled amount of candy, like wise, for non-diabetics because of the

simple fact that all candy has calories and none of them have sufficient vitamins. Not only is

diabetes the worst association with candy, it also is now viewed as being one of the leading

causes of obesity.

The epidemics of obesity and other illnesses are accusing candy as being one of the

leading causes. According to the New York Times “A cluster of new studies suggests that people

who regularly work out don’t need to worry unduly about consuming fructose or other sugars. In

certain circumstances, they may even find the sweet stuff beneficial.” The truth of the matter is

candy isn’t harmful to us, but rather the intake of candy. There is a thin line between the intake

of sugar and sugar itself. Not only is candy a good thing to eat while being under control, but did

you know that we humans are not the only ones who like candy?

There’s an article written by John Carson where he talks about a finch that uses candy to

attract a female finch to mate with. This was all possible because the finch saw the locals in the

town make some coffee like always, but what these people didn’t know is that the finch was

actually observing them to see where they kept the sweets. Now you may think to yourself “wow

did these people know the finch was there” and no they had no clue he was there. But the

question you should be asking yourself is how did he attract the female finch? He did it by

stealing some sweets from town, and then put it near his home (nest) and within a few hours the

female finch comes out of nowhere and moved into his nest. On the other hand, candy does in

fact have a nasty side. Did you know that a study was done about tamarind candy?

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Back in 1999, a study was done about “tamarind candy” which was a possible source of

lead exposure to a child who showed considerably a high blood levels. This caught the attention

of the Oklahoma City-County Health Department. They tested about two types of “tamarind

suckers” candy. They also tested the packaging for any type of lead content. According to the

article, “more than 50% of the tested suckers exceeded the US Food and Drug Administration

(FDA) Level of Concern for lead in this type of product”. People from all over the country found

out about this and began to keep an eye out for these poisons lead- contaminated candies. This

costs the candy industry to tip over for a while. This particular candy, “tamarind candy”, had to

bring back all of their candies from the stores to make sure no one else would get harmed. Being

careful about where the food comes from is highly important, because it can easily be

contaminated. Food coloring is another reason why some candy has gotten such a bad reputation.

Some food colorings have been alleged to be somewhat carcinogenic which means

causing cancer such as red #3, but on the bright side, some foods have removed it from their

ingredients. As a matter of fact, in Europe these food colorings have been banned completely.

For example, candy gets its color in America by using red 40. While in Europe, it gets its color

with real food coloring. According to Tom Laskawy, who wrote an article called “Food Coloring

is Bad”, “the syrup in a strawberry sundae from a McDonald's in the U.K. gets its red color from

strawberries; in the U.S., the red color comes from synthetic Red 40.” Now, industries are trying

to use more natural coloring for instance, orange soda will now be made with actual oranges,

strawberry syrup will now be made with real strawberries. With the upcoming years, the use of

real food coloring will be more common in food production.

The history of candy takes us back to ancient people who had enjoyed the sweet taste of

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honeybees. With these natural workers, we manage to make an even sweeter honey which we

later called jam. Once we developed jam we began to take our experiments to the next level. We

began to roll up nuts and fruits together in jam. According to the book Sweets by authors Gold,

Sara F.,Chenoweth, Emily, Zaleski, and Jeff “the manufacturing of sugar began during the

middle ages and at that time sugar was so expensive that only the rich could afford candy made

from sugar.” Something that is taken for granted today was a luxury. Cacao, from

which chocolate is made, was rediscovered in 1519 by Spanish explorers in Mexico. The value

of industrialized sugar was much subordinate by the seventeenth century when hard candy

became an immediate fan favorite. This led us to have over four hundred factories in the United

States producing candy by the mid-1800’s. How sweet it is that none of us went through all that

trouble all we have to do is sit down crack open a candy bar and enjoy life as we know it.

In conclusion, candy has many different affects on human bodies. Some are a dream

come true and others are a nightmare on Elm Street. We have come a long way from the infant

stages of candy. We have to keep in mind that candy can be dangerous and we shouldn’t be

glutens with this tasty treat. On the other hand, how could you resist that sweet taste of niter?

this is a picture of candy

this is a video of maple candy <iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/r62frHB3EHI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

this is a link

Friday, May 6, 2011

Annotated Bibliography

Ricardo Lozada
Eng 101

                                                Annotated Bibliography
Robert A. Lynch, Daniel T. Boatright and Samuel K. Moss, eds. Lead-Contaminated Imported Tamarind Candy and Children’s Blood Lead Levels. Vol.115(Nov –Dec 2000). p. 537-543<http://www.jstor.org/pss/4598589?searchUrl=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3D.%2BLeadContaminated%2BImported%2BTamarind%2BCandy%2Band%2BChildren%25E2%2580%2599s%2BBlood%2BLead%2BLevels%26acc%3Doff%26wc%3Don&Search=yes>.
In 1999, a study was done about “tamarind candy” which was a possible source of lead exposure to a child that showed considerably a high blood lead level. This caught the attention of the Oklahoma City-County Health Department they tested about two types of “tamarind suckers” candy  they also tested the packaging for any type of lead content. According to the article “more than 50% of the tested suckers exceeded the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Level of Concern for lead in this type of product”. people from all over the country found out about this and began to keep an eye out for these poisons Lead- Contaminated cadies.
This article has helped me because I found out that Lead poisonings could be found in a package of candy. This article will help me make a stronger argument for my final paper. Moreover, it has giving me a better understanding of the precaution that we must have in order to protect ourselves.
“How Sugar Affects the Body in Motion.” Editorial. New York Times 20 Nov. 2007, late ed: A22. Gretchen  Reynolds Web.4 may 2011. < http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/05/04/how-sugar-affects-the-body-in-motion/?scp=1&sq=effects%20of%20candy%20&st=cse>.
A group of trained cyclist was chosen to participate in an experiment that would conclude the role of various sugars in exercises. The experiment required that the cyclist would ride till they were exhausted on many different occasions. Once they were done with each race they were given a sweetened drink the contained fructose or glucose some of the racers were drinking sweetened milk. After they drank the sweetened drink doctors tested them to see what kinds of effects if any these sweetened drinks made on them.
This article is going to help me determine the good side that sugar has on the human body. Also, it will provide a better research for me to make my final paper much stronger.

Garber Jr., Lawrence L.; Hyatt, Eva M.; Starr Jr., Richard G.  “The Effects of Food Color on Perceived Flavor.” Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice; Fall2000, Vol. 8 Issue 4, p59 Print.<http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/4870856/effects-food-color-perceived-flavor>.


Food coloring is used in almost everything that we eat from fish to candy, but what some people may not know is that food coloring can also be bad for us. Also food coloring is use on labels everything that has a label has food coloring. This article teaches us about the many things that food coloring can be used for.


This article has helped me because it though me about the many things that we use food coloring. This article also gave me a better understanding on why we use food coloring.


Gold, Sara F.,Chenoweth, Emily, Zaleski, and  Jeff. Sweets. Publishers Weekly;10/14/2002, Vol. 249 Issue 41, p77.< http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/book-reviews/7548447/sweets-book>.


This book is about the history of candy and how it came to be. According to Zaleski “the first-ever would history of sweets” was jam packed with quirky. The history of candy came because people began to experiment with "sugars and different types of formulas.

I found out the history of the candy and this book will help out with my research paper.


Wyndham, Mike "The manifestations of diabetes” GP: General Practitioner; 3/3/2003, p62.< http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/9370988/manifestations-diabetes>.


Diabetes is a sickness that is produce by high blood sugar and can lead to death if it is not taken care of. People with diabetes can’t eat sweets because their blood will raise and cause them pain. Diabetes has many symptoms such as slow healing.


I found out many types of symptoms that diabetes has on people. I believe this article will help me understand that different type of sickness that candy leads us.


Joan, Carson. "The news Tribune.”Finches know the power of candy, flowers 04/03/11.Print.< http://www.the news tribune.com/2011/04/03/1610861/finches-know-the-power-of-candy.html>.

This is about a male finch that uses candy to attract the female finches. As people were making coffee in a town they that the finches kept coming over to see what the locals were up to little did the people know that the finch was looking to see where they kept the sweets. Once the male finches found out where the sweets were he took some in order to attract the female finches.

This article is going to help me because it teaches me that humans aren’t the only ones that like to eat candy, but animals as well. 




Tuesday, April 26, 2011

  1. Soft drinks
  2. donuts 
  3. fast food 
  4. candy 
  5. toys 
  6. milk 
  7. hospital food 
  8. can food 
  9. fruit 
  10. pet food

Caryn Sweeney

i agree with Caryn Sweeney, because she thinks that people on food stamps should eat and spend their money on healthier foods. She also was also on a college budget therefore she had to get the most she could with the little bet of money that she had in her pocket. Sweeney admitted that "It’s hard work being poor" but she didn't let that stop her from buying what she needed with her food stamps. People that have food stamps have to be happy with this new coming law because its only going to better themselves.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

fast food nation and super size me

Fast Food Nation was a bestselling nonfiction by Eric Schlosser's which talks about the behind the scene of food industry. Fast Food nation also tracks down the major history of big food industry which i think has taken over our every day food and transformed them into a major business money maker. The people that own these industry don't care about the people that are eating their food because to them its all about the money the more you buy the better it is for them. The same can be said about the film Super Size Me which was directed by Morgan Spurlock. Spurlock goes through a 31 day diet to see if fast food really is bad for people. At the end of the film Spurlock got really sick and had to be hospitalized. I believe that fast food industry should be more cautions about what they feed people but at the same time we need to watch out for what we eat, its easy to always point the finger at that obvious problem but we need to be real with ourself and understand that if we continue to eat these fast food we will be a victim to sickness

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Writer’s Name

Paper Title


Editor’s Name

Peer Review Worksheet

  1. Introduction: How does the first paragraph introduce both the paper’s topic and the writer’s approach or general conclusion? Is the first sentence attention-getting and relevant to the topic?
           in the first paragraph both the papers topic and writes had a clear general conclusion. also in the first sentence it had a very well attention-getting it was well written with close to none mistakes.

  1. What can you identify as a thesis statement? (Re-write it below) Suggest, if possible, a way to improve the introduction or thesis statement.
you had a clear thesis statement you dont have to work on it much. if anything all you have to do is add a bit more to the thesis and you'll have a perfect thesis statement. i would add how your meal came to be in the first place.

  1. Structure: Can you identify the organization of the paper from the main idea of each paragraph? What are the main concepts explored in the paper? Does each paragraph make a relevant point that is distinct from what has already been covered? What are the main conclusions?

i could identify the organization of the paper from the main idea of each paragraph. each paragraph does make a relavant point that is distinct from what has already been covered. the main conclusion is that you wrote a pretty good essay which is easy to read and understand.

  1. Clarity/Style: Did you find distracting grammar, punctuation, spelling, or word usage problems? Identify any patterns or themes you detect. Is the tone of the essay formal? If you find awkward sentences, try to explain why they don’t make sense to you.

i didn't find any distracting grammar, punctuation and spelling. the tone of the essay is formal all your sentences were very clear you didn't have any awkward sentences.

  1. Resources: Does the author clearly identify his/her sources? Is proper in-text and reference format used?
the author clearly identified his sources and he used proper in-text and reference format.

  1. What is/are the paper’s greatest strength(s)? Explain.
this papers greatest strengths are clear idea, great grammar, clear thesis and a very easy to read essay.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

annotated list

fast food nation- I'm going to use it because in this book i learned how food changed over the years.

family- because did know how platano were like over 100 years ago.

internet- use it to find a great website on how platano were like 100 years ago.

friends- ask them questions about platno.

google- find better sources.